Allah's Name, Who is The Most Affectionate, The Most Merciful . Surely, Allah (Sustain-er) loves those who repent and those who purify themselves . (Al-Quraan.) Attention please: Avoid extremes of religious as well worldly matters, for peace and salvation lay only in following the middle path. Thanks! HUMANBEING: our shape in the wombs of your mothers as He Wills. Besides Him non is worth worship. He is Honorable, the wise. (The Family of Imraan-III-6) Inna Masala Esa Indullahai Kamasalai Adam. Khalaqahu Min Torabin Soumma Qala Lahu Kunn Fayakun.(The Family of Imraan-III-59) Surely the precedent of (Jesus) before Allah is like the case of Adam who was created from dust. Then it was said, “Be” and the Adam came into being quickly Family of Imraan-III-59) Yuridullahu Ay’nyoukhafifa Unkoum Va Kholiqal Insanu Dhaeefa. (The Woman -IV-28) Allah Desires to make things easy for you as the man was created weak (to forbear hardship). (The Woman -IV-28) Qala Ma Mana-aaka Al...