*Allah's Name, Who is the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful* Attention, please: Avoid extremes of religious and worldly matters, for peace and salvation lay only in following the middle path. Thanks! SENSUALITY AND QURAN. pub-7636068300891652" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <div class="gcse-search"></div> Crime theory- background elements. Zuyyina Linnasi Hobboush-shahavatay Minon-nesaay Vulbanina Vulqannateeril-moquntaraty Minuz-zahaabay Vulfiddatay Vul-khailil Mosav'vamatay Vul-anaamay Vulhurs. Zalika mataoul Hayaatid-Dunya. Vallahou Endahou Hosnoul-ma-aa-bb.(Imraan's family III-14) The love of the desires of women and children and the accumulated riches of gold and silver, branded horses, livestock, and crops is very impressive for humanity. These are merely the provisions