*Allah's Name, Who is the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful* Attention, please: Avoid extremes of religious and worldly matters, for peace and salvation lay only in
following the middle path. Thanks!
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Crime theory- background elements.
Zuyyina Linnasi Hobboush-shahavatay Minon-nesaay Vulbanina Vulqannateeril-moquntaraty Minuz-zahaabay Vulfiddatay Vul-khailil Mosav'vamatay Vul-anaamay Vulhurs. Zalika mataoul Hayaatid-Dunya. Vallahou Endahou Hosnoul-ma-aa-bb.(Imraan's family III-14)
The love of the desires of women and children and the accumulated riches of gold and silver, branded horses, livestock, and crops is very impressive for humanity. These are merely the provisions of social life. And together with Allah is the best of purposes. (Imraan's family III-14).
Ya-ayyu-hullazeena Amanu Kutiba Alaikumul Qisasoy Fili-qauttle. Al-hurrou Bil-hurray Vul-ubbdou Bil-ubbday Vul-ounsaa Bil-ounsaa Fa-mon-oufi-ya Lahu Min-akhihay Shaiunn Fattibaoum Bill-ma'aroufay Va-adaoun Eilaihay Bai-ahhsan. Zalaika takhfifom Mirrubbaikoum Va-Rahma. Famaane'etada Ba'ada Zalika Falahou Azabun Aleem.(The Cow-II-178)
O, believers! The vengeance of the blood of the murdered is binding on you, free for free, servant of the servant, and woman for woman. If someone is pardoned by his brother (heir of the murdered), then let him be prosecuted, usually, and restitution (compensation) be made with kindness. It is the concession of your Rubb (Sustainer) and His mercy. After that, whoever does the excess will be punished.(The Cow-II-178)
Valakom Filqisasay Hayatue;en Ya-olil-al-babay La-a'allakoum Tuttakoun. (The Cow-II-179)
And for you in blood revenge, there is life. O wise people, so you can become pious. (The Cow-II-179)
Ash-shahrol-haramou Bish-shahril-haramay Vulhurromataou Qisass. Fama-ne'etada Alaikum F'atadou Alaihi Bai-mislay Ma'a-tada Alaikoum Vatta-kollaha Va'alamou Un'nullaha Ma'a-al-muttaqeen. (The Cow-II-194)
The holy month is in exchange for the holy month and for forbidden acts there are retaliations. The person who commits violence against you has tied him up over the months as he has against you. Fear Allah and know that Allah is among the pious. (The Cow-II-194)
Vullatee Yatinul-Fahaishata Min-nisaikum Fush-tush-haidou Alaihinna Arba-a'a-tum Minkoum. Fa-in Sha-haidou Fa-umsaiku Hunna Fill-boyoutay Huttaa- Yata-voffa-huonnul-Mautou Auo-yej-alullahu Lahoun-na Sabila.( The Woman-IV-15)
And those of your women who commit adultery, take against them the evidence of four persons, especially from among you, and when they testify (the truth of adultery), then confine (such woman) in houses till they are taken away by death or Allah opens some other for them.(The Woman-IV-15)
Vulla-zanay Yateeyaaniha Minkoum Fa-aazohouma Fa-intaaba Va-auss-laha Fa-a'a-raidou Unhouma. Innallaha Kana Tauv-vabur- Rahiama.
( The Woman-IV-16)
And the two (men and women) amongst you commit such an act, they punish them both, and if they repent, the Reformation leaves them. Surely Allah is Relenting, Merciful. (The Woman-IV-16)
Va-mullum Yesta-te'e Minkoum Taulun Aye'en-Yankihul Mohsinatill-Mominatay Famimma Malakat . Aima-nokom-min Fata-yatikomoul Momenat. Vullahou A'alamou Baieemanokom Ba'adokom Mimba'add. Fun-kaihou Honna Bai-ezz-nay Ahlee-hinna Va-aa-tou-hounna Ajora-hounna Bil-ma'a-rofay Moh-sa-natin Ghaira Mosafi-haativ'n Vala Mottakhizaatey Akhdann. Faeezaa Oh'hsinna Fa-in Ataina Bai-faa-hishatin Fa-a'a-lai-hinna Nissfou Ma-aulull Mohsa-natay Minull A'a-zabb. Zalika Laimon Kha-she-scream Aanataa Minkom. Va-un Tusbai-rou Khai-rollakom.Vul-lahou Ghafoorun-Raheem.( The Woman-IV-25)
And if none of you can afford to marry the free and faithful wife, they can marry these faithful daughters that your right hand has. And Allah is in full knowledge of your faith. You all look the same (in religion). Marry them with permission of their masters and give them their dowers justly to the fair convention for bringing them into being honorable, chaste, and pure but neither lust nor for taking secret love affairs. And when they're married, their sentence is half that of free women. This (permission to marry) is for those who fear falling into sexual sin. But you should restrain. And Allah is certainly Forgiving, Merciful.
( The Woman-IV-25)
Ya- ayyu-hullazina Amanu La-takulu Amvalakom Bai-nakom
Bilbatilay illa-un-takona Tijarat Un Un Tradim Minkom Vala-tuktolou Unfousakom. Innallaha Kana-bai-kom Raheema.( The Woman-IV-29)
O, believers! Do not unjustly devour your properties among yourselves except through trade by your mutual consent. Do not devour your goods to each other unjustly, except by trade, by your mutual consent. ( The Woman-IV-29)
Va-mai'i-yaff-ull Zalika Oudvano'v Va-zoul-munn Faa-saufa Nouslihay Nara. Va-kana Zalika Alullahay Yaseera.(The Woman-IV-30)
And if any of you commit such injustice and do wrong, We (Allah) will soon cast it into the fire, And it is very easy for Allah.(The Woman-IV-30)
Ya- ayyo-hullazina Aamanou La-tukrabos-salata Va-untomsokara Hatta Ta'alamou Ma tako-lona Vala-jono-bunn Illa Aabai-ree Sabilin HttaTuf-tasai-lou.Va-inkontom Murdhaa Ou-a'alaa Safarinn Ou-jaa-aa Aaha-dom Minkom Minull-ghaa-aitay Ao-laamus-tou-mon-nisa-aa Falumm Tajaidou Maa-un Fata-yemmamou Saeedon tayyibon Fumsahou Bai-vajoohaikom Va-aideekom. Innullaha Kana Affov-von Ghafoora.(The Woman-IV-43)
O believers don't ever approach Salat (Muslim prayer) in the state where you are intoxicated (completely forbidden later) until you have as much meaning as you understand. And also in a condition of impurity without a bath, except when you are the traveler. And if you are sick, or on a journey, or one of you becomes polluted due to natural discharge in sleep on your intercourse with your women and does not find water, then take clean dust and wipe it on your face and your hands (do Tayammum, as oral cleaning). Surely Allah is Forgiving, Pardoning. (The Woman-IV-43)
Vamakana Laimomainin Ayy'nyaktola Mominun Illa-khataa.Vamun Quatala Mominun Khata-un Fa-ta'hrirou Raqaba-tim Mominatiw,n Vadiyatum Mosulla-matoun Eilaa Ahlaihee Eillaa Ayyn-yes-saddaquo.Fa-inkana Min Quomin Adouvillakoum Vahova Momainoun Fata'hreerou Raqabatim Mominat. Vaainkana Min Qoumim Bainakom Vaabainahom Misaquon Fadeeyatoum Mosullamatoun Eilaa'hlaihee Vaata'hreerou Raqabatim Mominate. Faamu'llum Yajid Fasiyamou Shah'arainey Motaatabi-ay'ynay Taubatum Minullah. Vakanullahou Aleemon Hakima.(The Woman-IV-92)
And it is not proper for a believer (Muslim) to kill a believer (Muslim) except by mistake. If anyone kills a believer (Muslim) by mistake, he will free a believer (Muslim) in bondage and pay blood money (restitution)to the email of the slain unless they remit it as a charity. If he (she) (the victim) is of a people hostile to you and is a believer (Muslim), then let him get a believer (Muslim) free from bondage. If he (she) (the victim) is a hostile person to you and is a (Muslim) believer, then let him get a (Muslim) believer free from slavery. But if there is nothing like it to be released, he (the killer) would have to fast for two consecutive months as repentance to Allah. Allah is Omniscient, Wise.(The Woman-IV-92)
Vaamai'n-yaktol Momenum Mota-ammidon Fajazaaouho Jahunnamo Khalidon Feeha Vaghadi-bullaho Alaihay Vala-a'naho Va-aa-adda-laho Azab on Azeema.(The Woman-IV-93)
And whoso intentionally kills a believer (Muslim), his end is in hell to remain there forever with Allah's Wrath upon him and His Curse, and for him, a dreadful punishment has been prepared.(The Woman-IV-93)
Min Ajlay Zalika Katabna Alaa Banee Israa-eila Annahou Mon Quatala Nafsom Baghairay Nafsin Aou Fasadin Fil-arday Faka.Anemia Qutalunnasa Jammia. Vamun Aah-yaha Faka-unnama Aah-yannasa Jamiaa. Valaqud-Jaa-authom Rosolona Bilbai'a-natay Somma Inna Kaseeran Minhoum Ba'ada Zalika Fil-arday Laamosrai-found.(The Table Spread V-32)
Due to this fact, we prescribed for the children of Israel that if anyone kills someone without the right of retaliatory revenge on a person (murdered) or for sedition (committing rioting on the earth) is like murdering the entire mankind. And who gave life to a person who is if he had given life to the entire mankind. And certainly, Our (Allah) Rasool (Messengers) went to them with clear arguments. But even then, many of them committed excessive upon the earth. (The Table Spread V-32)
Innama Jaza-ul-lazeenaYouha-raibonulla Vaa-Rasoolahou Va-Yes-aouna Fil-ardhay Fasadon Ay'anYou-quttalou Auoyou-sllabou Auotoqatta-aa Aa'ydeehim Vaaurjolohoum Minkhilafin Auoyounfou Minull-arch. Zalika Lahom Khizyoun Fid-dunya Valahoum Fil-aakhiratay Azaboun Azeem.(The Table Spread V-33)
The only retribution (return) of those who fight against Allah and His Rasool (Messenger) and wander about in the earth, committing disorders, is that they should be killed or crucified or their one side hand and opposite side foot be chopped off, or they expelled from the earth (in life imprisonment) This is their disgrace in this world and in the hereafter. There will be severe punishment for them.(The Table Spread V-33)
Illullazeena Tabou Min Qubblay Un-Taqdaydou Alaihim Fa'alamou Unnullaha Ghafooror Rahim.(The Table Spread V-34)
Except for those that repent before you. You should know that Allah is Merciful. (The Table Spread V-34)
Vussaraiqou Vussariqatou Fakta-aou A'ydeehoma Jazaaum Baimakasaba Nakaalum Minulla. Vullaho Aziz on Hakeem.(The Table Spread V-38)
And the men or women who commit the robbery cut their hands in retaliation for what they have done. For example, that is a punishment of Allah. And Allah is Honorable, Wise.(The Table Spread V-38)
Famon Taba Mim Ba'aday Zollmaihee Va-asslaha Faainnullaha Yatobou Alayh.Innullaha Ghafooror Raheem.(The Table Spread V-39)
Then whoso repents(is remorseful) after doing wrong and amends himself (herself) then Allah will turn to him (her) with His Merciful. (The Table Spread V-39)
Vakatubna Alaihim Feehaa Unnon-nafsaa Bin-nafsay Vul-ay'na Bil-ay'nay Vul-anfa Bil-anfay Vul-uzna Billuznay Vussinna Bil-sinnay Vuljoroha Qisass. Famon Tasaddaqa BaiheeFahova Koffa-ratullah.Vamollom Ya'ahkoum baima-unza-lullahou Fa-oolaika Homozzalaimoun.(The Table Spread V-45)
And We (Allah) made it obligatory on them in it (for Jews in Taurait) a person be executed ( in retaliation for a murdered person). An eye for an eye and a nose for a nose and an ear for an ear, and a tooth for a tooth, and for other injuries similar (injuries) as Qisas (equal retaliation as tit for tat), then whoso waives its compensation with happy heart the that will be the restitution (for the such crime ). Whoso does not judge according to what Allah has revealed to them. They are the people who will be cruel.(The Table Spread V-45)
Ya-ayyou Hullazeena Amanou Inna-mull-khumro Valmai-sayro Val-unsabou Val-auzzlamou Rijsoum MIn Amalish Shaitaanay Fuj-tanai-bohou La-aullakomToufflayh ou.(The Light-XXIV.-32) nn.(The Table Spread V-90)
O, believers! Wine and gambling and idols hand foretelling through arrows are altogether nasty satanic deeds. So shun them that you may prosper. (The Table Spread V-90)
Al-zaniatou Vuz-zanee Fujj-laido Kolla Vahaidim Mee-aata Jalldati'wn Valata Khozkom Baiheema Rafatoun Feedeenillahay Inkontoum Toumainona Billahay Volyu'omil Aakhir. Volyesh-haud Azabohoma Tai Fatoum Minull-momineen. (The Light-XXIV.-2)
The fortress ( female sex offender) and the fornicator flog each of them with hundred stripes, and you should not take pity on them ( in inflicting stripes) in the religion of Allah if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of believers (Muslims) witness their punishment.(The Light-XXIV.-2)
Azzanee Laayenkaiho Illa Zaniatunn Aumoushrikatow'n Vuzzaniatuo Laayenkaihouha Illa-Zaninn Aumushrik. Vaahourraima Zalika Alull-momaineen.(The Light-XXIV.-3)
The Adulterer "Muushrik" ( Male sex offender- fornicator) does not marry except a "Mushrika"( an adulteress idolatress (female worshiper of idols as an associate of Allah ). As such, an adulteress (fornicatress) is married with non except by an adulterer (fornicator) or by a "Mushrik" Idolator (male worshiper of the idol as an associate of Alla. This, indeed, is forbidden to the believers. (The Light-XXIV.-3)
Vallazeena Yermonull Mohsanaatey Somaalum Yatou Baiurba'atin Shohadaa'a Fujlaidohoum Samaanina Julldatuw'n Vala Tuqbalou Lahum Shahaadatunn Aabada. Va-ulaika Houmol-fasaiqoun.(The Light-XXIV.-4)
And those who accuse a chaste woman, (of adultery ) but then do not bring four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes and never accept thereafter any evidence: they are the transgressors. (The Light-XXIV.-4) ,
Illullazeena Tbou Mimba'aday Zalika Va-aslaahou Faainnullha Ghafooror (The Light-XXIV.-5)
Edited By Ishfaq Smaq* 2/14/2023, Lahore
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