La Nabi B'ada Ana khatamun Nabiyeen Part-III

      Allah's Name, Who is The Most Affectionate, The Most Merciful.

 Attention please: "Avoid extremes of religious as well worldly matters, for peace and a
Salvation lies only in following the middle path. Thanks!

Surely, Allah (Rubb Sustain-er) loves who repent and those who purify themselves purify themselves.  (Al-Quraan)

 khatamun Nabiyeen Part-III (The Last Messenger of Allah) 

"Qull inkontom Tohibbonullaha FattabaioniYohbibkomollaho Vayeghfirlakom Zonobakom Vallahoghaforor Rahim".(Iii-31- Al-Imraan)

O beloved Muhammad (S.A.W) If you love Allah you should follow me. (Only then) Allah will love you and will forgive you & your faults.
And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.  (Iii-31- Al-Imraan) 

"Whoever obeys the Messenger  (in fact) obeys Allah" 

"Vainnaka Laa;ala Koloqin Azim". (The Pen-68/4)

And surely,  you possess the highest moral excellence. (The Pen-68/4)

All the virtues and noble qualities had been concentrated in him. It could not be otherwise, since Allah (jullashanoho) who is all-knowing, was Himself his teacher. When Hadrat Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) was asked about the noble character of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), she said  "His character was the Qur'aan".The evident meaning of this is that they possessed all those noble qualities and virtues that have been declared noble in the glorious Qur'an.      
In his Kitab-ush-Sifa Qadi 'Iyad (Allah's mercy be on him) mentioned further that the Holy prophet's pleasure was bound with the pleasure of the Qur'an and his displeasure with the displeasure of the Qur'an. The meaning is that he was pleased with obedience to the Divine Commands and was offended when it was disobeyed and sin was committed.

In Awarif-UL-Ma'arif it has been stated that the meaning of Hadrat Aisha (Allah be pleased with her)  was that the Glorious Qur'an was itself his teacher of morals and that this alone is the meaning and interpretation of the assertion that "His character was the Qur'aan".

It is indeed a fact that no one's comprehension or speculation can ever succeed in fully understanding the lofty position of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and the essence of his nature. Only Allah (Jalaluhu) can know it, in just the same way as none but the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) can know Allah(the Highest)(Madarij-un-Nubuwwah).

No one is aware of the interpretation of this, but Allah Almighty. 

 Fortitude and Perseverance:

Hadrat  Ans (Allah be pleased with him) has related that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "In the path of Allah, I have been daunted and threatened more than anyone else, and also I have been torture more than any one else, Once I had  to pass thirty days and nights in such dreadful want Bilal and I had nothing that any living being would eat, except what little  Bilal had kept hidden under his arm".(Ma'ariful-Hadis, Shamail-e-Tirmizi)

Long-suffering and forgiveness:

The patience, long-suffering and forgiveness of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) are the highest qualities of prophethood. According to a tradition, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) never revenged himself for any personal or financial matter. He did so only from one who declared anything "Halal" (lawful) That Allah (the Highest) has prescribed "Haram" (unlawful) but even this revenge was only for the sake of Allah   Himself. The hardest suffering fell to the lot of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in the battle of  Uhd, when the unbelievers fought against him and caused him severest grief and affliction, but he hasn't only contended himself to suffer and forgive, but taking pity on them also excused them for their miss-belief and ignorance, and said,  

"O Allah! show my people the right path, for they know not." In other traditions, the words: "O Allah ! forgive them" are also included. When the Companions who felt grieved at this said" O prophet of Allah! would that you had cursed them, so that the were annihilated", he replied, "I have not been sent to curse, but to call people to the truth, and as a mercy for the creation".(Ash-Shifa, Madarij-un-Nubuwwah)     

Preaching in Taa'iff  to Oneness of Allah (the One and the Only):

The Holy Prophet (Allah's Blessings and Salutation on him) along with Hazrat Zaid bin Harisa  (Allah be pleased with him) went to Taa'iff to preach oneness of Allah and invited the people to Islam, whereupon they got enraged and set about maltreating him. The chiefs instigated the local urchins to mischief while he was preaching these rowdies pelted him with stones so heavily that he began to bleed profusely, the blood congealing in his shoes and making it difficult for him to take out his feet for making ablution. At one event the rogues and vagabonds abused him, clapped hands and jeered at him so much that he was forced to seek shelter in a house.  once while preaching in the same town he received so many injuries that he fainted and fell down It was more torturous than the torture received by all the previous Prophets of Allah. After gaining senses he (S.A.W) was asked by the Arch Angel Jibreel to pray to Allah against them and he would crush them between the mountains. But the Holy Prophet (SA.W) prayed to Allah in favour to show their next generations the right path.  This prayer was offered by him being the Rahmat-e-Aalam (Mercy of the Almighty for the entire universe) Latter the same cruel people of Taa'iff become the best Muslims automatically.
Despite the catastrophe and hardship faced in this journey and the sorrow that not a single body embraced Islam.,the heart of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) was full of love and glorification of Allah (the Highest). The thank prayer he (S.A.W) offered at  this time is as follow:

"Allahdoma Eilaika Ashkoro Zu'afa Quovati Vaqillata Hilati Vahovanni Aa'alannanai Ya Arrahmarrahaimin Antarubbol Mostada'afina Vaantarubbi Inni Montakilni Eila Bae'edin yettahujmani Aoula A'adovim Malaaikataho Amri ILLum Yakombaika Aa'alaghadabom Fala Aobali valakinna Aa;afiyataka Hiya Auosauolee Aa;aozo Bainoorai Vajhaikallazi asraqtau Lahoz Zuolomato Vasalaha Alaihi Amroddunia Valakhirata Min Aynyounazzilz Bi Ghadabaka Auoyahilla Aa'ala Sakhatoka Lakaluotba Hattaturdha Lahaula Valaqovvata Illabaika".(Tabraa)

O, Allah! To thee, I (Muhammad) complain of my helplessness, little strength and of man's haughtiness towards me. O Most Merciful, O ! Lord of the helpless, You lonely art my Lord. To whom dost you entrust me: to a stranger who will be outrageous to me, to an enemy who will control my right and wrong? But if your art was not unhappy with me then I care nothing for all the tribulations for thy grace as well as comfort is more extensive for me. I seek refuge in Thy countenance which bring forth light from darkness and adjusts the works of the world and the Hereafter least Thy wrath and displeasure sure should befall me. Thine is the right to reprove and admonish till you are pleased. There is no strength or power except with Thee."         

Mo-Allimull.Kitaab / Mo.Allimull.Hikmah/ Al-Mujtaba / Al-oola:

"Laqad Monnullah Aa'alulmomainina Izbaa'asa fihim Rasoolam Minunfosaihim Yatlo Alaihim Aayataihi Vayouzakkihim Vayoua'allaimo Homolkitaba Val-hikmataVainkano Minqablo Lafi Dhalalim Mobin".(The Family of Imraan-3/164)

Surely Allah has conferred favour on the believers that He sent a Rasool (Messenger of Allah) from amongst them who recites to them His Verses and purifies them and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom and previous to that they were clearly in error(The Family of Imraan-3/164)
"Hovallazi Baa'asa Fil Ummiyina Rasoolum Minhom Yatlu Alaihim Aayataihi Vayouzakkihim
Vayoua'allaimo Homolkitaba Val-hikmataVainkano Minqablo Lafi Dhalalim Mobin".(The Friday Prayer 62/2)

It is He who raised among the unlettered people a Rasool (Messenger of Allah) from amongst themselves, who receipts to them His revelations and purifies them and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom although they were before that in clear error(The Friday Prayer 62/2)

Sahib-e- Burhaan:

"Ya Ayyu Hannaso Qadjaakom Burhanom Mir Rubbikom Vaunzalnaa Alaikom Norom Mobina".(Un-nisa-4/174) 

O  mankind a clear proof has come to you from your Rubb (Sustainer)and I have bestowed to you a magnificent Light (Noor-e-Mobeen) (Un-nisa-4/174) 

"Madhalla Suahaibokom Vamaghaervaa".(The Star-53/2)

Your Companion  (Muhammad S.A.W) neither went astray nor was mislead. (The Star-53/2)

Magnanimity and grace:

The Meccan unbelievers persecuted the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his followers incessantly for twenty-one years. They left no stone unturned to harass and trouble the worshipers of one Allah and compelled them to leave their hearth and home. But when Mecca was conquered, the worst enemies of Islam were completely at the mercy of the Holy Prophet S.A.W) so much so that just a nod from him would have heads rolling on the dust: But what did actually take place? To the mighty chief of Quraish who stood before him bowing     their heads in fear ad shame, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) posed a question, "Do you know how I am going to deal with you today?" They replied in suppressed tones, "O Truthful and truth-worthy one! You are our noble brother and a noble brother's son. We have ever found your merciful".  The Holy Prophet S.A.W said I tell you the same thing as Yusuf (Joseph) had told his brothers No reproach shall be on you this day: Go, I set you all free."(Kitab-ush-Shifa- Ibn Hisham)

Ascertained by Ishfaq Smaq*


Purity of Iman ( Faith)