* Allah's Name, Who is the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful* Attention please: Avoid extremes of religious as well worldly Matters, for peace and salvation, lay only in following the middle path . Thanks! JUSTICE IN ISLAM pub-7636068300891652" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=4417156e419681940 <div class="gcse-search"></div> Vala takolou Amvalakoum Bainakoum Bilbatilay Vatodlou Behaa Elul-houkkamay Laita-kolou Fariqum Min-amvalin-nasay Billesmay Vaauntom Ta'alamon. (The Cow - 188) And do not eat up the probe ties of each other by falsehood in between yourselves and do not use the same to allure the authorities so that you may knowingly eat up some portion of such...