Purity of Iman ( Faith)

              Allah's Name, Who is The Most Affectionate, The Most Merciful.

 Surely Allah   (Rubb Sustain-er)  loves those who repose purify themselves .al-Quraan

Attention please: "Avoid extremes in religious as well worldly matters, for peace and salvation lie only in following the middle path. Thanks!  

                        Re-discipline of Muslim with alltime Purity of Faith


The fifth columnist hypocrites build a mosque not for remembrance of Allah, but for conspiracies against Islam and for the damage to the Muslim solidarity.

After the successful expedition of Tabuk, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) returned to Madina.

"wallazee-natakhazo Musjidan Dera-row'n Wakof-row'n Wa-tafrikum Bainal-momeyninaWa-irsadal-laymun Khara-ballaha Wa-Rasoolaho Minqablo Wala- yahlefonna In-aradnaa Illul-husna. Wallaho Yeshadu Innahum lakazebon " Sura Tauba (IX : 107)

And those who have built a mosque to commit mischief spread disbelief and to cause disunity among the Muslims and provide refuge for him who thrusts war against Allah and His Rasool Muhammad (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) from the past. And they will surely swear that they desired only god.  But Allah bears witness that they are certainly liars.  (Sura Tauba (IX: 107)


Abdullah Bin Abyye died in 9th Hijra, when the Holy Prophet  Muhammad (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) returned from the Tabuuk mission to which this hypocrites' chief was severely opposed. His sincerely faithful Muslim son  Abdullah submitted to him (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) for leading his funeral prayer. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) led it. Allah disapproved it in Sura Tauba (IX: 80,84 ) that he was enemy of Allah and His Rasool and who does not love the Holy Prophet  Muhammad (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam).

Istughferlahom Aula tastaghferlahom. Intustaghferlahom Sub-eena Murratunn Falia'n Yughferallaho Lahum Zalika Beannahum Kafaroo Billa-hai Wa-Rasoolay. Wall-laho La-yah-dil quamal-faasiqeen.(Ix- The Repentance  - 80)

(it is equal to that) you ask or do not ask forgiveness for them. Even if you ask forgiveness for them, seventy times, Allah will never forgive them. That is because they disbelieved in Allah and his  Rasool  (Messenger).  And Allah does not guide the disobedient people. (IX-Sura-Tauba:80)  

Wala-tu-salleh Aala-ahadim Min-hum-maata Aaba-dauw'n Wala-takum Aala-Quabray. Innahumm Kafaru Billahi Wa-Rasool Ay-hee Wama-tu Va-homfasiqoon.(IX- The Repentance  - 84)

And you neither should pray for any of their dead nor should stand over their graves. Surely they disbelieved in Allah and His Rasool (Messenger)Muhammad (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) and died while they were disobedient. (Sura TAUBAH-84)


The Holy Prophet Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam was so glad to receive a big  deputation Taa-iff after Ramadan-ull-Mubarak of 9th Hijra.These were the  people who severely tortured him 18 years ago they were the deputationists with great  enthusiasm for Islam who were served by him (Sallallaho Alayhi Wasallam) with  love being the good Believers (Allah may be pleased with them)


Fornication, prohibited sex and adultery as well as the violation of every law was banned. It was subjected to severest punishment by the Holy Quraan ( Sura IV: 15, 92;,: V 32; XXIV: 2, 3; and SuraXVII-: 32; )

Valla-te YatInal Fahaishata Minnisaaikum Fastashaido Alaihinna Arba-a-tam Minkum.ahinshahaido Fa-amsaiko-hunna FiIlboyoutai Huttaa Yatavoffa Hunnal-mauto Ao-yajalullaho Lahoonna Sabila. (iv-The Woman  15)

And those of your women who commit adultery take against them the evidence of four persons, especially from you. and when they testify ( the truth of adultery) then confine (such Women) In houses her till they are taken away by death or Allah opens some other way for them. (IV -15)

Wama-kana Laimomenin Ay'n yaqtola mominun Illa-khata-aa. Va-mun-qatala Mominun Khata-un Fatahrero Raqaabatim Mominativ'n  Wadiyatum  Musallamatoun Elaa Ahlaihe Illa-ai'n-yasadaqoo. Faain-kana Min-quamim addowilIakum VahoVa  MomInun Fatahrero Raqabatim MomInat.  Wa-inkana Min-qaumim Bainakum Wa-bainahum Misaqon-Fadiya-tum Musalamatun Ela-ahlayhe Wa-tahrero Raqabatim Mominat. Fa-mallum Yajid Fasiyamo Shahrainai Mota-tabai'een Taubatam-minullah. Wakanallaho Alymun-hakimaa."   IV-The Women-92)

And it is definitely not proper for a believer (Muslim) to kill a believer (Muslim)except by mistake. If anyone kills a believer (Muslim) by mistake he will free a believer (Muslim) in bondage and pay blood money (restitution) to the family of the slain, unless they remit it as charity. If he (she) (the victim) be of a people hostile to you and be a believer(Muslim) then let him get a believer (Muslim) freed from bondage. And if he is from such people between whom and you is treaty then let such one pay blood money (restitution) to victim family and get freed a believer(Muslim) in bondage. But if there is none such to be freed, he (killer) should fast for two consecutive months as repentance to Allah.  Allah is Knowing Wise. (IV- 92)       

"Wa-mayee-yaqtul Momenum Muta-um-medun Faja-ja-aa-o-ho Ja-hannamo Khalidon-feeha Wa-gha-deballaho Aly-hay Wala-aa-naho Wa-aa-adda-laho azabun Azeema.  (IV- 13/93)" 

And who intentionally kills a believer (Muslim) his end is in the hell to remain there forever with Allah's wrath upon him and His curse and for him a dreadful punishment been prepared. ( IV-The Woman-93) 

Reviewed by Ishfaq smaq*

